FPSC Jobs 2024 as a Lecturer:
FPSC Lecturer Jobs 2024 Requirements. Federal Public Service Commission has announced the jobs of lecturers. These lecturer jobs are subject wise i.e. for a particular subject, an expert in the respective subject will be appointed as a lecturer only. Candidates who have completed 16 years of education in the respective subject should apply for these posts as it is a rewarding career. Teaching is a noble profession, and it plays an important role in society and nation building. If you are passionate about teaching the future of the nation by using the academic knowledge you have learned over the years, then you should apply for these lecturer jobs.
فیڈرل پبلک سروس کمیشن نے لیکچررز کی
نوکریوں کا اعلان کر دیا۔ یہ لیکچرر نوکریاں موضوع کے لحاظ سے ہیں یعنی کسی خاص
مضمون کے لیے، متعلقہ مضمون کے ماہر کو صرف ایک لیکچرر کے طور پر مقرر کیا جائے
گا۔ جن امیدواروں نے اس متعلقہ مضمون میں 16 سال کی تعلیم حاصل کی ہے وہ ان آسامیوں
کے لیے درخواست دیں کیونکہ یہ ایک فائدہ مند کیریئر ہے۔ تدریس ایک عظیم پیشہ ہے،
اور معاشرے اور قوم کی تعمیر میں اس کا اہم کردار ہے۔ اگر آپ کئی سالوں سے سیکھے
گئے تعلیمی علم کو استعمال کرکے قوم کے مستقبل کو سکھانے کا شوق رکھتے ہیں، تو آپ
کو ان لیکچرر کی نوکریوں کے لیے درخواست دینی چاہیے۔
Lecturer FPSC Advertisement:
Lecturer job advertisement has been published in leading Urdu and English newspapers and also available online at https://www.fpsc.gov.pk/.
Mode of Collection of Fees of FPSC
Applicants should submit a challan of PKR 300/- in favor of FPSC on the prescribed challan form available at https://www.fpsc.gov.pk/.
How to Apply Online for FPSC
Interested to apply for the Lecturer job should fill the online application form before the last date. Application forms are available at https://www.fpsc.gov.pk/ Manual submission of application is not allowed.
Minimum Qualification for Lecturer FPSC
The minimum qualification required to apply for FPSC Lecturer job is Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s or equivalent degree from HEC recognized University in relevant subject.
Minimum and Maximum Age:
The minimum age limit to apply for this job is 22 years while the maximum age limit is 28 years and 5 years age relaxation as per government rules.
Subjects in which Lecturer Jobs are available:
Lecturer jobs are available in various subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Economics, Home Economics, Urdu, English, Islamic Studies, Arabic, Mathematics, Commerce, Pakistan Studies, History, Political Science, and International Relations. . If a candidate is interested in applying for more than one Lecturer job, he/she should apply separately and pay each application fee.
B.Ed. Required for FPSC Lecturer?
B.Ed. There is no need to apply for FPSC Lecturer Job.
Required Experience for FPSC Lecturer:
No specific experience is required to apply for a lecturer position. Those having relevant experience in reputed institutions should mention it in the application form while applying for the job. Relevant experience
How many marks are required in GR test?
Usually top 3 candidates are called for interview against 1 set. There is no specific percentage of marks which qualifies a candidate for interview. It is advised to prepare best and score maximum marks to get the job.
FPSC Lecturer Jobs Syllabus
The FPSC Lecture Screening Test has three main sections. This screening test carries total 100 marks. The weight of the three parts is distributed as follows:
English 20 Marks
50 Marks for Essay
Teaching 30 Marks
In the English section, questions relate to subject verb recognition, use of metaphors, use of grammar, and sentence correction. The subject related questions are related to the basic concepts of Bachelor and Master level studies and courses. The last part of the screening test is decisive as many applicants are not well versed with the concepts of teaching techniques and procedures. Candidates who want to secure their jobs must prepare this part so that they can gain a competitive advantage over others.
FPSC Lecturer Recruitment Process:
Selection of the right candidates for FPSC Lectureship consists of two stages. In the screening stage, MCQS test of 100 marks is used to evaluate the candidates. The comprehensive examination also helps in deciding the candidate’s aptitude for teaching. In the interview stage, the top 3 merit-wise candidates from a set are called for interview. A candidate is interviewed based on their personal and educational background. The psychologist in the interview panel analyzes the candidate’s personality and gives his/her impressions regarding the suitability for the post of lecturer.
Salary of Lecturer
Lecturers appointed by FPSC are paid as per BPS 17. The percentage increase in salaries is in accordance with the budget announced by the federal government. This increase is done on an annual basis.
Posting Area:
Aspirants can be posted anywhere in Pakistan depending on the availability of vacancies.
FPSC Lecturer Past Papers
FPSC Lecturer Past Papers are available in published form at all leading bookstores. These past papers are quite helpful as they give the applicants an idea about the nature of the questions.
Screening Test and Interview Preparation:
The recruitment process for these jobs involves a competitive process and therefore equal attention should be given to all sections of the screening test. For the interview, candidates need to work on personality, communication skills, and academic knowledge as the interview asks questions from personal and educational background.
Core Values and Skills of a Lecturer:
Every profession requires specific personality traits and values that increase an individual’s chances of success in that career. Similarly, teaching also demands specific skill sets and values which are listed below:
A teacher’s job requires a high degree of patience. A teacher needs to redo it.
Present the same concept repeatedly so that students understand the concept better.
A teacher’s job involves evaluating students on a daily basis. He is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the class. A candidate who values integrity can only do justice in performing these tasks.
Public Speaking:
A lecturer gives lectures daily and this practice includes the art of public speaking. A good public speaker can simply engage with the audience and communicate effectively.
Analytical Skills:
Teaching involves continuous assessment and evaluation of students. A teacher knows the abilities of the class and individuals using analytical skills that help him modify the lecture material for the ease of the students.
A teacher helps the student by guiding them in decision making. Only a good mentor can share his experiences and make the right choice.
Teaching requires not only a good speaker but also an attentive listener. This can be achieved through teamwork. A teacher’s ability to engage with students as a team makes them a good choice for this career.
Non-verbal communication:
Modern research confirms that it is non-verbal communication that creates influence. Non-verbal communication includes the use of gestures and body language. A good teacher should have a good command of non-verbal communication.
Time Limit:
Educational institutions are known for punctuality. There are fixed times for specific lectures. In such a situation only a punctual person can perform.
The core value of educational institutions is discipline. Teachers act as role models for their students so if one is interested in the teaching profession one should follow the discipline.
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