10th Class Result 2024 For All Punjab Boards – ilmyDunya

پنجاب کے تمام بورڈز میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ2024ء

10th Class Result 2024 For All Punjab Boards - ilmyDunya

پنجاب کے  تمام تعلیمی
بورڈز میٹرک اور انٹرمیڈیٹ کے سالانہ امتحانات منعقد کرتے ہیں۔ سالانہ امتحانات
بورڈ حکام کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ امتحانی شیڈول کے مطابق منعقد کیے جاتے ہیں۔
امتحان میں شرکت کے لیے امیدواروں کو تفصیلات پر عمل کرنا ہوگا۔ امیدواروں کو مطلع
کیا جاتا ہے کہ پنجاب کے تمام بورڈز نے دسویں جماعت کا امتحانی سیشن مکمل کر لیا
ہے، اور اب طلباء نتائج کے اعلان کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں۔ بورڈ جلد ہی تمام امیدواروں
کے لیے 10ویں جماعت کے نتائج 2024 کا اعلان کریں گے۔

10ویں کلاس کی ڈیٹ شیٹ کا اعلان فروری میں کیا گیا تھا۔

دسویں جماعت کا
سالانہ امتحان یکم مارچ 2024 کو شروع ہوا تھا۔

بورڈ  اپریل،   میں پریکٹیکل
امتحان کا انعقاد کیا۔ اور اب بورڈ رزلٹ کی تیاری میں مصروف ہے۔

پنجاب بورڈ کی جانب
سے دسویں جماعت کے نتائج کا اعلان   جولائی کو متوقع ہے۔

نتیجہ کے اعلان کے
بعد طلباء کو نتیجہ چیک کرنے کے طریقوں کے بارے میں وضاحت کی ضرورت تھی۔ امیدوار
نام، رول نمبر اور ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے نتیجہ حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔ بورڈ تمام امیدواروں
کو مناسب وقت پر نتیجہ پیش کرنے کو یقینی بناتا ہے تاکہ وہ سالانہ امتحان میں اپنے
درجات کے بارے میں جان سکیں اور پھر اگلی کلاس میں ترقی کر سکیں۔


بورڈ آف انٹرمیڈیٹ اینڈ
سیکنڈری ایجوکیشن اپنے دائرہ اختیار میں دسویں جماعت کے سالانہ امتحانات کا انعقاد
کرتا ہے۔ میٹرک بورڈ کے سالانہ امتحانات برائے سال 2024 مارچ 2024 کے مہینے میں
منعقد ہوئے تھے۔ نتائج کے منتظر طلباء کو مطلع کیا جاتا ہے کہ میٹرک کا نتیجہ 2024  جولائی  2024 کو متوقع ہے۔

 لاہور بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

گوجرانوالہ بورڈ میں دسویں کلاس کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

راولپنڈی بورڈ میں دسویں جماعت کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔۔

بہاول پور بورڈ میں میٹرک کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

ڈی جی خان بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

ملتان بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

 سرگودھا  بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

فیصل آباد بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

ساہی وال بورڈ میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

فیڈرل  بورڈ اسلام آباد  میں کلاس دہم کا رزلٹ چیک کرنے کیلئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

10ویں کلاس کے نتائج سے متعلق اپڈیٹس۔

پاکستان کے تمام تعلیمی
بورڈز دسویں جماعت کے نتائج کا اعلان   جولائی  2024 کو کریں گے (متوقع)۔ دسویں
جماعت کے امتحانات میں تقریباً 2 لاکھ 70 ہزار امیدواروں نے شرکت کی۔ طلباء کے پاس
ہونے کی شرح درج ذیل ہے

پنجاب کے سرکاری
سکولوں میں پاس ہونے والے طلباء کی کل تعداد: 71.11

پنجاب کے نجی سکولوں
میں پاس ہونے والے طلباء کی کل تعداد: 49.72

پنجاب میں پاس ہونے
والے طلباء کی کل تعداد: 68.14

دسویں جماعت کے رزلٹ
2024 میں فیل ہونے والے طلباء کو مشورہ دیا جاتا ہے کہ وہ دوبارہ درخواست دے سکتے
ہیں اور پنجاب بورڈ کے ضمنی امتحانات 2024 کے لیے سخت محنت کر سکتے ہیں۔ پنجاب
بورڈ جلد ہی سپلیمنٹری امتحانات کا انعقاد کرے گا اور ہم آپ کو جلد ہی اپ ڈیٹ کریں

تاریخ کی تازہ ترین

جولائی، 2024 بورڈ آف
انٹرمیڈیٹ اینڈ سیکنڈری ایجوکیشن کے میٹرک کلاس کے نتائج 2024 کا اعلان جولائی، 2024
کو کیا جائے گا۔

جولائی، 2024 تمام
پنجاب بورڈز سائنس اور آرٹس دونوں گروپوں کے لیے 10ویں جماعت کے نتائج 2024 کے پوزیشن
ہولڈرز کی فہرست کا اعلان بھی کریں گے۔

جولائی، 2024 پنجاب
بورڈ 10ویں جماعت کے نتائج 2024 کے ٹاپرز کو انعامات سے نوازا جائے گا۔

10ویں جماعت کا نتیجہ 2024 پنجاب بورڈ

پنجاب بورڈ پاکستان
کا سب سے بڑا اور اہم تعلیمی بورڈ ہے جس نے 01 اپریل 2024 میں میٹرک پارٹ 2 کے
امتحانات منعقد کیے تھے۔ پنجاب بورڈ اس کے تحت تقریباً نو بورڈز پر مشتمل ہے۔
پنجاب بورڈ نے دسویں جماعت کے نتائج 2024 کے حوالے سے کوئی اطلاع نہیں دی ہے۔ تاہم
یہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ بورڈ جولائی  2024 میں نتائج کا اعلان کرے گا۔ بورڈ جلد ہی سرکاری
نتائج کی تاریخوں کا اعلان کرے گا۔

2024کے لیے اپنے 10ویں بورڈ کے نتائج کیسے چیک کریں؟

امیدوار اب اپنے میٹرک
کے نتائج مختلف طریقوں سے چیک کر سکتے ہیں۔ اپنے نتائج آن لائن چیک کرنے کے مختلف
طریقے یا تو اپنا رول نمبر یا نام درج کر کے ہیں۔ اپنے نتائج حاصل کرنے کا ایک اور
کامیاب طریقہ بورڈ کے فراہم کردہ کوڈز پر اپنے رول نمبر کے ساتھ ایک

بھیجنا ہے۔ طلباء مذکورہ بالا طریقوں
میں سے کسی بھی طریقے سے اپنے نتائج کی جانچ کر سکتے ہیں۔

ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے
نتائج دیکھیں

طلباء ریسیو چیک کر
سکتے ہیں۔

ایس ایم ایس کی سہولت
کے ذریعے 10ویں کلاس 2024 کے
lts۔ آپ کو اپنا رول نمبر اپنے متعلقہ
بورڈ کے کوڈز پر بھیجنا ہوگا۔ نیچے دی گئی فہرست میں پنجاب کے تمام بورڈز کے کوڈ
دکھائے گئے ہیں۔

سینئر بورڈز کوڈز

1. لاہور بورڈ 80029

2. فیصل آباد بورڈ 800240

3. راولپنڈی بورڈ 800296

4. گوجرانوالہ بورڈ 800299

5. ساہیوال بورڈ 800292

6. سرگودھا بورڈ 800292

7. ملتان بورڈ 800293

8. بہاولپور بورڈ 800298

9. ڈیرہ غازی خان بورڈ 800295

10. فیڈرل بورڈ 5050

اس کے علاوہ مزید

دسویں کلاس میں پاس ہونے پر کونسے شعبے میں جائیں مکمل گائیڈ پڑھیں۔

Class 10 Result 2024 in all Punjab Boards:

All education boards of Punjab conduct annual matriculation and intermediate examinations. Annual examinations are conducted as per the examination schedule provided by the board authorities. Candidates have to follow the details to appear in the exam. Candidates are informed that all the Punjab Boards have completed the 10th class examination session, and now students are waiting for the declaration of results. Boards will soon announce the 10th Class Result 2024 for all the candidates.

The 10th class date sheet was announced in March.

The annual examination of class 10 started on 1st April 2024.

Board conducted practical exam in May, June. And now the board is busy preparing the result.

Punjab Board is expected to announce the 10th class results on 31st July.

After the announcement of the result, students needed clarification on how to check the result. Candidates can get the result by name, roll number and SMS. The board ensures all the candidates to produce the result on time so that they can know about their marks in the annual examination and then progress to the next class.

10th Class Result 2024 For All Punjab Boards - ilmyDunya

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education conducts the annual examinations of class 10 under its jurisdiction. Matriculation Board Annual Examinations for the year 2024 were held in the month of April 2024. Students awaiting results are informed that Matriculation Result 2024 is expected on July 2024.

 👉 Click here to check Class 10th Result in Lahore Board.

 👉Click here to check Gujranwala Board 10th Class Result.

 👉Click here to check Rawalpindi Board Class 10th Result.

 👉Click here to check Matric Class 10th Result in Bahawalpur Board.

 👉Click here to check Class 10th Result in DG Khan Board.

 👉Click here to check Multan Board Class 10th Result.

  👉 Click here to check Class 10th Result in Sargodha Board.

 👉Click here to check Class 10th Result in Faisalabad Board.

 👉Click here to check Class 10th Result in Sahi Wall Board.

 👉Click here to check Federal Board Islamabad Class 10th Result.

10th Class Result Latest Updates.

All the education boards of Pakistan will declare the 10th class results on July 2024 (expected). About 270 thousand candidates appeared in the class 10th exams. The pass rate of students is as follows:

Total Number of Students Passed in Government Schools of Punjab: 71.11%

Total Number of Students Passed in Private Schools of Punjab: 49.72%

Total Number of Passed Students in Punjab: 68.14%

Students who have failed in Class 10th Result 2024 are advised to reapply and work hard for Punjab Board Supplementary Exams 2024. Punjab Board will conduct supplementary exams soon and we will update you soon.

Latest information on history

July, 2024 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Matriculation Class Results 2024 will be declared on July, 2024.

July, 2024 All the Punjab Boards will also announce the position holders list of Class 10th Result 2024 for both Science and Arts groups.

July, 2024 Punjab Board 10th Result 2024 toppers will be awarded prizes.

10th Class Result 2024 Punjab Board

Punjab Board is the largest and most important educational board of Pakistan which conducted Matric Part 2 Examinations on 01 April 2024. The Punjab Board consists of about nine boards under it. The Punjab Board has not given any information regarding the 10th class results 2024. However, it is said that the board will declare the result in July 2024. The board will announce the official result dates soon.

How to check your 10th board results 2024?

Candidates can now check their matric results in various ways. Different ways to check your results online are either by entering your roll number or name. Another successful way to get your results is to send an SMS with your roll number to the codes provided by the board. Students can check their results by any of the above methods.

Check Results via SMS:

Students can check receipt.

lts of 10th class Result 2024 through sms facility. You have to send your roll number to your respective board codes. The list below shows the codes of all the boards of Punjab.

Senior Boards Codes

1. Lahore Board 80029

2. Faisalabad Board 800240

3. Rawalpindi Board 800296

4. Gujranwala Board 800299

5. Sahiwal Board 800292

6. Sargodha Board 800292

7. Multan Board 800293

8. Bahawalpur Board 800298

9. Dera Ghazi Khan Board 800295

10. Federal Board 5050

Matric SSC Class 10th Result 2024

Matric Result 2024 10th Class has been collected from various Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) of Pakistan including Federal Board Islamabad, FBISE, Lahore Board, Rawalpindi Board, Faisalabad, Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur. , Sargodha, Peshawar, Swat included. Kohat, Abbottabad, Malakand, Mardan, Bannu, Karachi, BIEK, BSEK, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Aga Khan, Larkana, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board Muzaffarabad AJK, AIOU, Aga Khan, Wafaq Madaris Al Arabiya etc. Usually SSC Part 1/2 (i/ii) Results are declared in the month of June and July every year. Here are the details of SSC Part 1/2 Matriculation Results of all Education Boards, BISE, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education of Pakistan as per the expected data and time announced by the board. Class 10th Result 2024 is announced later this year on 20th July 2024.

Check Class 10th Result Online – A Detailed Guide

10th class result is an important milestone in a student’s educational journey as it marks the completion of their secondary education. Many students and their parents anxiously await their Class 10 test results, telling them if they can move up to the next grade or if they need to repeat a class.

In the past, students and their parents had to visit their school or local education board office to get their 10th class results. But this article will explain the steps you should follow to check your 10th class results online.

We also have answers to all your queries about reset policy, result cards errors, practicals and much more. So, let’s see what you get out of it.

Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan

Pakistan’s intermediate and secondary level examinations are administered by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), a government body. BISEs are independent and charged with improving and promoting education at the middle and high school levels.

They are also responsible for compiling and declaring the results of intermediate and secondary level examinations conducted every year. There are six BISEs in Pakistan. One is in each province, and one is in the federal capital, Islamabad.

Click Here To Check Result All Over Pakistan

How to Check Class 10th Result Online

Depending on your location and the education board that administers your exams, there are several ways to check your 10th class (also known as secondary school or matric) results online.

10th Class Result 2024 Punjab Boards - ilmyDunya

Here are some general steps you can follow to check your results online:

Find out which education board is responsible for your 10th class exams. This information should be available from your school or the education authorities in your area.

Visit the website of the education board that administers your exams. Many education boards have a dedicated section on their website for exam results.

Look for a link or button to view your results online. This link may be labeled as “Results“, “Exam Results”, “Check Class 10th Results Online“, “Online Results” or something similar.

Follow the prompts to enter your details, such as your full name, 10th class roll number, and date of birth. You may also need to enter a security code or captcha.

Submit the form and wait for your results to appear on the screen.

It is worth noting that the specific process of online result checking may vary depending on the education board and the website you are using. If you have trouble finding your results or accessing the website, you may need to contact the Board of Education or your school for help.

Check your 10th Result through Gazette.

   To check your 10th class result through gazette in Pakistan, you need to follow some general steps which we have listed below.

Find out which education board is responsible for your 10th class exams.

Visit the official website of your education board or any other relevant website to find out whether they publish the 10th class exam results in the gazette.

If the education board publishes the results in the gazette, download a copy of the gazette.

If you can’t find the Gazette online, it may be available at a designated location, such as a government office or bookstore.

Buy or download a copy of the gazette and find your results by searching your full name or roll number in the 10th class exam result list.

Note: It is to be noted that the specific process of checking results through gazette may vary depending on the education board and your location. If you need help checking your results, you may need to contact the Board of Education or your school for assistance.

So, you can follow the above methods as an alternative to check 10th class result online.

Errors in Class 10th Result Card

There can be many types of errors in the matriculation result card. Some common mistakes include the following:

Incorrect spelling of student’s name or other personal details.

Invalid subject names or codes.

Incorrect number or grade.

Inclusion of subjects for which the student did not appear.

Leaving problems for which the student appeared.

Incorrect total number or percentage.

How to correct mistakes in your 10th class result card

If you have found errors in your result card, you should follow the steps below to correct them:

Contact the relevant authorities.

The first step is to contact the authority responsible for issuing the result card, such as the school or board. You can do this by email, phone, or in person.

Provide proof of error.

You must provide proof of the error, such as a photocopy of the incorrect result card and any supporting documents that can help prove that the error actually existed.

Request error correction.

Explain the error and request that it be corrected. You will need to fill out a form or provide additional information to support your application.

Process your request.

After submitting your application, contact the authorities again to ensure that the error is being corrected. You may need to follow up more than once to get a response.

Also, you should carefully check your result card for errors and take steps to correct them as soon as possible. Mistakes on your scorecard can hurt your chances of getting a job or going to school, so you need to fix them.

Distribution of Marks and Grading Scheme for Class 10

Marking distribution and grading scheme for class 10th examinations refers to the guidelines given for evaluating and grading the performance of students in the examination. It specifies the maximum marks to be obtained in the examination, weightage of various sections, negative marking scheme (if applicable) and pass marks.

The marking scheme may vary depending on the board and the specific subject. For example, the marking plan for a science exam may be different from that of a culinary studies or Islamic studies exam. We have listed the Class 10th Science and Arts Group Marks Distribution. Let’s take a look at it.

10th Class Result Date

Matriculation result will be declared on 31st July 2024.

Other Ways to Check Class 10th Result

Depending on your location and the education board that administers your exams, there are several ways to check your matric results other than online. Here are some alternatives to check your matric result online:

10th Class Result 2024 Punjab Boards

Check 10th Class Result by SMS/Message.

Apart from 10th class result check online, every education board has a message/SMS service that lets you check your 10th class result by sending your roll number to a specific number. You need to follow the following steps.

Write your 10th roll number in the text box.

Send the roll number you just typed to your respective board code.

Wait for a while, and you will receive an SMS with your obtained numbers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to check 10th class results online?

To check your 10th class result online, you should visit the website of the respective education board in Pakistan. Every education board has its own website. You will need to find the website of the board that conducts your 10th class exams. Once you locate the website, you will likely find information on how to check your result online. This may include entering your roll number or other personal information to access your progress.

Can I check 10th class result without internet?

Yes, it is possible to check your 10th class result on your phone through SMS. You have to get the specific SMS code of your education board. After sending your roll number to this code you will get your marks within few minutes.

What if I need help finding my result online?

If you are still searching for your result online, you can try a few things.

First, double check that you have entered your roll number or other personal information correctly.

If you are still experiencing problems, try accessing the website at another time, as the website may be experiencing heavy traffic or technical issues.

If you are still finding your result after trying these steps, you should contact the concerned education board for assistance.

Can I get a copy of my 10th class result if I lose the original?

If you lose the original, you can get a copy of your 10th class result. You can usually request a copy of your result card from the concerned education board. You may be required to pay a fee for the document, and you may be required to provide certain personal or identifying information to request a copy.

What should I do if I don’t agree with my 10th class results?

If you do not agree with your 10th class results, you can request a revision or appeal. You should contact the relevant education board for information on how to request a review of the result or appeal. You may be required to provide proof or other supporting materials to review your result card.


Those who are looking to check their 10th class results online can now easily find their marks and also download their result cards before getting it officially. With the help of the simple steps that we have mentioned in this article, you will never have a problem in finding the 10th class result for you and your relatives.

You should also know the subject wise mark distribution and grading well to understand your future goals wisely.

What methods did you try to find your 10th class result? Let us know in the comments section, and follow us for more updates.

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