Join Pak Army as Junior Commissioned Officer JCO and Soldier 2024

پاک فوج میں بطور جونیئر کمیشنڈ آفیسر JCO اور سپاہی 2024 میں شامل ہوں۔


Join Pak Army as Junior Commissioned Officer JCO and Soldier 2024

پاکستان آرمی نے جونیئر
کمیشنڈ آفیسرز جے سی او (نائب خطیب) اور سپاہی (سپاہی) کے لیے نوکریوں کا اعلان کیا
ہے۔ جے سی او ایک ایسا افسر ہے جو لیفٹیننٹ سے کم درجہ کا ہوتا ہے لیکن عہدے میں
حوالدار سے زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔ درخواست کا عمل اب شروع ہو چکا ہے اور 19 فروری سے 09
مئی 2024 تک کھلا رہے گا۔ درخواستیں متعلقہ آرمی ریکروٹمنٹ اینڈ سلیکشن سنٹر

میں جمع کرائی جا سکتی ہیں جہاں
درخواست دہندہ ٹیسٹ میں شامل ہونا چاہتا ہے۔

امیدوار سپاہی (سپاہی)
کی پوسٹ کے لیے
est فوج کے بھرتی
مرکز پر جا کر بھی رجسٹریشن کروا سکتے ہیں۔ اس شمولیت کے طریقہ کار کے ذریعے آپ
پاک فوج میں درج ذیل آسامیوں کے لیے شامل ہو سکتے ہیں۔


جونیئر کمیشنڈ آفیسر
(جے سی او) نائب خطیب

نرسنگ اسسٹنٹ



پاک فوج میں بطور جے
سی او شامل ہونے کے لیے اہلیت کا معیار

پاکستان، آزاد جموں و
کشمیر اور گلگت بلتستان کے شہری

عمر اور قد کے تقاضے

جونیئر کمیشنڈ آفیسر
جے سی او (نائب خطیب)

10 مئی 2024 کو 20 سے 28 سال کی عمر کے درمیان

کم از کم اونچائی 5
فٹ 3 انچ

آرمی سروس میں پہلے
سے موجود امیدواروں کی عمر کی حد 22 سے 35 سال ہے اور ان کی سروس 1 سے 16 سال کے
درمیان ہونی چاہیے۔

سپاہی (سپاہی)

امیدواروں کی عمر 17
1/2 سے 23 سال کے درمیان ہونی چاہیے۔ تاہم گریجویٹوں کو عمر میں 1 سال کی چھوٹ دی
گئی ہے اور شہیدوں کے لواحقین، جنگ میں زخمی ہونے والوں اور درست ڈرائیونگ لائسنس
رکھنے والوں کو عمر میں 2 سال کی چھوٹ دی گئی ہے۔

5 فٹ 6 انچ اونچائی (167.5 سینٹی میٹر)

کلرک اور کک 5 فٹ 3

ملٹری پولیس 5 فٹ 8

سویپر 5 فٹ 3 انچ

مثالی اونچائی

عمومی اونچائی پانچ
فٹ 6 انچ (167.5 سینٹی میٹر)

کلرک اور باورچی کا
قد- پانچ فٹ تین انچ (160 سینٹی میٹر)

ملٹری پولیس کی
اونچائی- پانچ فٹ آٹھ انچ (173 سینٹی میٹر)

تاہم شہداء کے لواحقین
کو رعایت دی جاتی ہے۔

پاک فوج میں شمولیت
کے لیے تعلیمی قابلیت

جونیئر کمیشنڈ آفیسر
جے سی او (نائب خطیب)

دینی مدرسہ سے درس
نظامی، ہائر ایجوکیشن کمیشن سے تصدیق شدہ

میں کسی بھی تسلیم شدہ بورڈ سے کم از کم

عربی میں روانی،
قرأت، اور حزِ قرآن کو ایک اضافی قابلیت سمجھا جائے گا۔

سپاہی (سپاہی)

میٹرک یا اس سے زیادہ

کلرک (انٹرمیڈیٹ یا
اس سے زیادہ) امیدواروں کے لیے کمپیوٹر، علم کو ترجیح دی جائے گی۔

کک کے لیے: درمیانی یا
اس سے زیادہ

سویپر: اعلیٰ سطح پر
غیر تعلیم یافتہ یا پرائمری

اقلیتوں کے لیے خصوصی
کوٹہ دستیاب ہے۔

Pakistan Army has announced jobs for Junior Commissioned Officers JCO (Naib Khatib) and Sepahi (Soldier) jOBS:

Pakistan Army has announced jobs for Junior Commissioned Officers JCO (Naib Khatib) and Sepahi (Soldier). A JCO is an officer who is lower in rank than Lieutenant but higher in rank than Havildar. The application process has now started and will be open from 19 February to 09 May 2024. Applications may be submitted to the concerned Army Recruitment and Selection Center ASRC where the applicant wishes to appear for the test.

Candidates can also register for Sepahi (Soldier) post by visiting est army recruitment center. Through this joining procedure you can join Pakistan Army for following posts.

Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Naib Khatib

Nursing Assistant


The driver

Eligibility Criteria for Joining Pakistan Army as JCO

Citizens of Pakistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan

Age and height requirements

Junior Commissioned Officer JCO (Deputy Clerk)

Between 20 to 28 years of age as on 10 May 2024

Minimum height 5 feet 3 inches

Candidates already in army service age limit is 22 to 35 years and their service should be between 1 to 16 years.

soldier (soldier)

Candidates should be between 17 1/2 to 23 years of age. However, graduates are given age relaxation of 1 year and family members of martyrs, war injured and holders of valid driving license are given age relaxation of 2 years.

5 feet 6 inches tall (167.5 cm)

Clerk and Cook 5 ft. 3 ins

Military Police 5 feet 8 inches

Sweeper 5ft 3in

Ideal height

Normal height is five feet 6 inches (167.5 cm).

Height of Clerk and Cook – Five feet three inches (160 cm)

Military Police Height – Five feet eight inches (173 cm)

However, the families of the martyrs are given a discount.

Educational Qualification for Joining Pakistan Army:

Junior Commissioned Officer JCO (Deputy Clerk)

Education from a religious seminary, certified by the Higher Education Commission

   Minimum FA/FSc from any recognized board in Pakistan

Fluency in Arabic, Recitation, and Haz-e-Qur’an will be considered an additional qualification.

soldier (soldier)

Matric or above qualification

Computer, knowledge will be preferred for Clerk (Intermediate or above) candidates.

For Cook: Medium or higher

Sweeper: Highly uneducated or primary

Special quota is available for minorities.

Join Pak Army as Junior Commissioned Officer JCO and Soldier 2024

Latest Pak Army Jobs Rawalpindi 2024

Pakistan Army Jobs Advertisement in Daily Express newspaper around 11th February 2024 for Sepoy, Driver Sepoy, Nursing Assistant, Naib Khatib and Commissioned Officer Vacancies in Rawalpindi, Dera Ismail Khan, Rawalpindi, Multan, Peshawar, Gilgit, Muzaffarabad. Calls for applications. Karachi, Quetta, Khuzdar, Pannu Aqil, Hyderabad, Faisalabad and Lahore Punjab Pakistan. Candidates having intermediate etc education can apply.

Latest Government Jobs in Pakistan Army Army Jobs and Other can be applied till 19 February 2024 or as per last date in newspaper advertisement. Read full advertisement online by ARMY to know how to apply for latest jobs in Pakistan Army.

Junior Commissioned Officer Jobs 2024 Pakistan

Find Junior Commissioned Officer Jobs 2024 2025 Upcoming Jobs from All Pakistani Newspapers and Newspaper Jobs. We have new jobs of Junior Commissioned Officer February 2024 from all cities including Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Gujarat, Sahiwal, Gujranwala, Punjab, KPK, Sindh. 2024 and December 2023 jobs. Balochistan, AJK etc Junior Commissioned Officer Jobs are for fresher, trained and experienced workers. Check complete job details, salary details, education, training, courses and skill requirements, experience details for today’s Junior Commissioned Officer Jobs in Government & Private, Matric, Inter, Graduate, Master level and above. are taken

Pak Army Soldier and JCO Jobs

Country Pakistan

Organization of Pakistan Army

gender boy

Declared Soldiers and Junior Commissioned Officers

Qualification Requirement Matric, FA and FSC

Job Type Permanent

Application will start from 19 February 2024.

Last date of application is 09 May 2024

The wait is over for those candidates who were waiting to be recruited as soldiers in Pakistan Army.

Pakistan Army has advertised the latest vacancies of Solder, Naib Khatib, and Junior Commissioned Officer for the session 2024.

Qualification of Matriculation, FA and FSC is required for Sepoy job in Pakistan Army and to join Army as Service Commission. We encourage candidates to apply for Army Soldier Jobs. Pakistan Army will recruit 1000+ soldiers and commissioned officers from all over Pakistan.

If you are looking for latest army captain jobs then you can join pak army anytime. For detailed information about joining Pakistan Army as a soldier. Click on the link to download Soldier PDF file.

Registration process to get Pak Army soldiers will start from 6th February 2023. Start working on your documents today. The process of joining Pak Army Soldier is online, or you can visit your nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Center (AS&RCs). Check the details given below and apply them respectively.

Few days left to join PMA Long Course. If you want to join Pakistan Military Academy then apply now without wasting any more time.

Check your height and weight now on Body Mass Index.

Pakistan Army Latest Jobs

Pakistan Army Announced Latest Jobs in Pakistan Army, Check Below List:

Pak army soldier

Driver of Pak Army

Pak Military Police

Sanitary worker

JCO (Deputy Speaker)

Nursing Officer

Eligibility for Pak Army Soldier Jobs

Soldier Matric

Junior Commissioned Officer FA/FSC

Eligible with Clerk Intermediate or above Computer Diploma

Medium cooking

Sentry Worker/Sweeper Primary

Check: Physical and Medical Test in Army

Eligibility criteria for Pakistan Army jawans

To become a Pak Army, you have to pass the following Pakistan Army Eligibility Criteria.

Pakistan Army Soldier Requirements

Nationality Pakistan, GB and AJK

Age limit 17 years 6 months to 22 years as on 10 May 2024

Height Soldier: Minimum 5 feet 6 inches

Military Police: Minimum 5 feet 8 inches

Qualification Matriculation or equivalent

Soldier Clerk Jobs

Age limit 17 years 6 months to 22 years as on 10 May 2024

Height 5 feet 3 inches

Education Intermediate or equivalent with Computer Diploma

Soldier Cook

Age limit 17 years 6 months to 22 years as on 10 May 2024

Height 5 feet 3 inches

Education Middle

Sanitary Worker/Cook

Age limit 17 years 6 months to 22 years as on 10 May 2024

Height 5 feet 3 inches

Academically literate (preferably primary pass)

Related: Top Cadet Colleges in Pakistan

How to Join Pak Army as Soldier and JCO?

Follow the steps below to apply for Pakistan Army Recruitment:

Soldiers have to submit their applications along with all the required documents to the Army Recruitment Center of their area where they want to take the test.

You can get the application form from Army Selection Centers located at Faisalabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Karachi, Puno Aqil, Multan, Hyderabad, DI Khan, Muzaffarabad, Khuzdar, and Rawalpindi.

Candidates who want to join army can apply online.

The registration period will be from 19 February to 09 May 2024.

Necessary Documents

Candidates can apply directly at their nearest Army Selection and Recruitment Center (AS&RCs) or can apply online with following documents.

Original documents including two attested photocopies.

Original CNIC and Form B and attested photocopy of father’s CNIC.

Citizenship and Domicile for Pakistan (AJK).

Four passport size photographs.

Documents should be attested by Principal/Gazetted Officer.

Note: The registration process will end on 09 May 2024. For more information visit the official site of Pakistan Army:

| Apply now

Pak Army Soldier Jobs

Frequently Asked Questions

How many young men are there in Pakistan Army?

The Pakistan Army has 653,000 active personnel and ranks as the sixth largest army in the world.


We provide you complete information about joining Pakistan Army as a soldier in our article. Hope, you find our article useful. However, if you still face any difficulties, please let us know via our social media or email.

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