11th Class Biology Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

فرسٹ ائیر بیالوجی گیس پیپرز 2024 پنجاب

11th Class Biology Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

لوجی سائنس کی وہ شاخ ہے جو زندگی کے مطالعہ سے متعلق ہے۔ بائیولوجی ایک دلچسپ مضمون
ہے جو گیارہویں جماعت کے سائنس کے طلباء کو بھی پڑھایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ مضمون پری میڈیکل
کے طلباء کے لیے لازمی ہے۔ بائیولوجی کو سائنس کا ایک اہم مضمون سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ یہاں،
ہم 11ویں کلاس کے گیس کے پرچے شیئر کرنے جا رہے ہیں۔ ان گیس پیپرز کی مدد سے طلبہ آسانی
سے اچھے نمبر حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔ بائیولوجی کے گیس پیپرز 2024 کلاس 11 کی بہت اہمیت
ہے اور یہ ان طلباء کو بہترین آئیڈیاز فراہم کرتے ہیں جو اس مضمون میں ہفتہ رکھتے ہیں۔
پہلے سال (پری میڈیکل) کے طلباء کے لیے، ہم 11ویں کلاس کے بیالوجی کے گیس پیپرز فراہم
کر رہے ہیں۔

Download Class 11 Biology Guess Paper

11ویں کلاس بیالوجی کا گیس پیپر 2024.:

11ویں جماعت کے بیالوجی کےگیس پیپرز طلباء کے لیے انتہائی فائدہ مند ہیں۔
طالب علم ان گیس کے  پرچوں کی مشق کرکے بائیو لوجی میں بہتر کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کر سکتے ہیں۔
یہ گیس پیپرز بورڈ کے امتحانات کے پیش نظر تیار کیے گئے ہیں۔ آپ ہماری ویب سائٹ سے
دیگر تمام مضامین کے گیس پیپرز بھی مفت ڈاؤن لوڈ کر سکتے ہیں۔ پی ڈی ایف میں 11ویں
کلاس کا بیالوجی گیس  پیپر زیہاں دستیاب ہے۔ ہمارے عملے نے طلباء کے لیے انتہائی مفید
معلومات فراہم کیں۔ ہم آپ کو گیس پیپرز کی ایک مکمل پی ڈی ایف فائل فراہم کرتے ہیں
جسے آپ آسانی سے ڈاؤن لوڈ کر سکتے ہیں۔

 Download Class 11 Biology Guess Paper

جماعت کے بیالوجی کے پیپرز کا اندازہ لگائیں۔

11ویں جماعت کے بائیولوجی کے گیس کے پرچے
ilmy dunya کی ویب سائٹ سے ڈاؤن لوڈ کر سکتے
ہیں اور سالانہ امتحانات میں اچھے نمبر حاصل کرنے کی تیاری کر سکتے ہیں۔ بہت سے گیس پیپرز ہیں جو طلباء کے لیے مددگار ہیں۔ یہ گیس کے کاغذات بہترین درجات حاصل کرنے کے
لیے واقعی مددگار ہیں۔ یہ گیس پیپرز انگریزی اور اردو دونوں میڈیم میں دستیاب ہیں۔
آپ یہاں سے پہلے سال کے دیگر تمام مضامین کے گیس پیپر بھی آن لائن حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔
طلباء کی سہولت کے لیے سابقہ
امتحانات کی بنیاد پر تجربہ کار اساتذہ کے ذریعے گیس کے پرچے بنائے جاتے ہیں۔ بائیولوجی
11ویں کلاس کا گیس پیپر 2024 ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں اور بغیر کسی وقت ضائع کیے پریکٹس شروع

Download Class 11 Biology Guess Paper

Biology is the branch of science that deals with the study of life. Biology is an interesting subject which is also taught to science students of Class XI. This subject is compulsory for pre-medical students. Biology is considered an important subject of science. Here, we are going to share 11th class Guess papers. Students can easily score good marks with the help of these guess papers. Biology Estimation Papers 2024 Class 11 are of great importance and provide great ideas to the week students in this subject. For first year (pre-medical) students, we are providing 11th class biology Guess papers.

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Here is the first year biology assessment for the year 2024. You can download the estimate in PDF or copy it from the web and share it via WhatsApp.

This assessment contains important short and long questions of Biology class 11th. The estimate includes Biology 1st year important questions.

1st Year Biology Guess Paper for Punjab Boards:

The assessment paper is made from Punjab Board First Year Biology Syllabus 2023-2024. Students who want to clear this subject easily can prepare this GUST paper.

Class 11 Biology Estimate Paper contains Important Short Questions and Important Long Questions of First Year Biology.

Chapter wise assessment paper for short questions and long questions are given in PDF which you can download.

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Biology assessment paper for class 11 2025

Here is the list of important short questions and long questions from each chapter of first year biology:

First Year Biology Assessment Paper 2024 Pdf Download

First Year Biology Important Short Questions

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit No. 1

Distinguish between population and community.

How does theory differ from law?

What is integrated disease management?

Differentiate b/w chemotherapy, radiotherapy and gene therapy.

What is hydroponic technique? Give importance to it.

Write a note on vaccination.

Define biome with example.

Explain phyletic lineages and biodiversity.

Distinguish between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 2

Define biochemistry.

Give importance to it.

Differentiate b/w glycosidic and peptide bond.

Define lipids.

Give two roles of waxes differentiated b/w saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Give the structure of lecithin.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 3

What is the active site of an enzyme?

Distinguish b/w apoenzyme and holoenzyme.

What are cofactors and activators of enzymes?

How does an enzyme catalyze a metabolic reaction?

Write four properties of enzymes.

What is a motivated fit model? Who proposed this model?

How does high temperature affect enzyme activity?

What is the role of pH in enzyme action?

Give the optimum pH values for any two enzyme actions?

What are enzyme inhibitors? Give two examples.

Distinguish between reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibitors.

Differentiate between competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibitors?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 4

Write salient features of cell theory.

BW Distinguish between phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

State the chemical composition of primary and secondary cell wall.

State three functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Explain storage diseases with two examples.

What is the location of centrioles in the cell and what is their role?

Differentiate between chromoplasts and leucoplasts.

Distinguish b/w cisternae and cristae.

What are peroxisomes, polysomes and ribosomes?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 5

Define species and virology with examples.

State the biological classification of maize.

What is the biological name?

What are the two principles of naming?

What are prions?

Differentiate b/w lytic phage and lysogenic phage.

Write the symptoms and prevention of hepatitis?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 6

Write four requirements of germ theory.

What are mesosomes?

Describe their function.

Write the misuse of antibiotics.

What are trichomes?

Explain the structure and function of Heterocysts?

What are super blue-green algae?

Give importance to it.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 7

What are choanoflagellates?

What are tritonymphs?

Give them importance.

Write two characteristics of ciliates.

Differentiate between micronucleus and macronucleus.

Distinguish between foraminifera and actinopods.

What are apicomplexans?

Give an example.

How are algae different from plants?

What are red tides?

Give the structure and function of diatoms.

Also write three characteristics of diatoms.

What are kelps?

Name the parts of the thallus of kelp.

Green algae are considered the ancestral organisms of green land plants, why?

What is Chlorella?

Explain its importance.

What is the importance of algae?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 8

What are lichens?

Give their ecological importance.

Distinguish b/w karyogamy and plasmogamy.

Distinguish b/w rust and smuts.

What is budding and parasexuality?

What are toad feces? Give an example.

What is histoplasmosis? Give reasons for this.

Give the scientific name of yeast used in genetic research.

Appreciate the hyphae. Give two types of them.

What is mycorrhiza?

Explain its importance What are dikaryotic hyphae? Give an example.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 9

Why are bryophytes called amphibious plants?

How are moss spores different from liverwort spores?

What is generational change?

Explain its importance.

Why are sphinxes called orthophytes?

Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.

Explain double fertilization in angiosperms.

Give importance to it.

Distinguish between monocot stem and dicot stem.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 10

Write the importance of sponge.

Define polymorphism with example.

Write the importance of coral.

Differentiate between infection and disinfection.

Write the names and uses of any two useful insects.

Admire nymphs and metamorphosis.

State three characteristics of chordates.

Give me

ole of the swim bladder in bony fishe?

Give two commercial importance of sharks.

Appreciate regeneration and modernity.

Write the names and disadvantages of any two harmful molluscs.

Distinguish between polyps and medusae.

Distinguish b/w coelmates and acoelomates.

Distinguish between diploblastic and triploblastic animals.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 11

Define bioenergetics.

Differentiate between photosynthesis and respiration.

Explain photosynthesis with equations.

What is the compensation point? Where does it occur?

Write the molecular formula of chlorophyll “a” and “b”.

What are essential pigments in plants? Give them importance.

Distinguish b/w absorption and action spectrum.

Differentiate between photosystem and photosystem.

What is Z-Scheme? Why is it called that?

What is fermentation? Explain its types.

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 12

Differentiate b/w nutrients and nutrition.

Write the components and functions of saliva.

Name the different types of salivary glands in humans.

Differentiate b/w peristalsis and antiperistalsis.

How is hunger?

What is Heartburn or Pyrosis?

Name the types of cells present in the gastric gland.

What prevents the stomach wall from digesting?

How is fluid produced in humans?

What are its effects on the pancreas in humans?

What is the role of the liver in the digestion of food?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 13

Differentiate b/w organic and cellular respiration?

How is air a better source of respiration than water?

What is Photorespiration?

Name the organelles involved.

Write the names of its products.

What is Rubisco?

Write its significance.

Define breathing level.

Give three properties.

Differentiate between cutaneous and pulmonary respiration in frog.

What are countercurrent exchange and parabronchi?

Differentiate b/w diaphragm and pleura.

Name some respiratory disorders and explain one.

What is emphysema? Write its symptoms.

What is the diving reflex?

What changes occur in animals during the diving reflex?

11th Class Biology Guess Papers Unit 14

Differentiate between water potential and solute potential.

Differentiate between plasmolysis and deplasmolysis.

Distinguish between apoplast and symplast pathways.

Differentiate b/w single and double circuit heart.

What are blue babies?

What is a brain hemorrhage?

State its two precautions.

First Year Biology Important Long Question

1. (a) How did the study of biology help humans improve food production?

       (b) Define cloning. Discuss its types and importance.

2. (a) Discuss the role of study of biology in preservation and conservation of environment.

       (b) Explain the different types of polysaccharides.

3. (A). Explain the importance of water in life.

       (b) Explain acylglycerols in detail.

4. (a) State the primary and secondary structure of proteins.

       (b) Compare DNA and RNA. Explain the different types of RNA.

       (c) Explain Watson and Crick model of DNA.

5. (a) Write a note on Endoplasmic reticulum.

      (b) What are plastids? Explain the structure and function of chloroplast.

6. (a) Explain the structure and function of mitochondria.

       (b) Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

7. (a) Describe the life cycle of bacteriophage.

       (b) How is HIV transmitted? Give an outline of HIV infection cycle?

8. (a) Define hepatitis. Explain its symptoms, causes and types.

       (b) Explain the different types of bacteria based on flagella.

9. (a) Discuss the process of nutrition in bacteria.

       (b) State various physical and chemical methods for controlling bacteria.

10. (a). Write the characteristics of cyanobacteria.

         (b) Explain the taxonomic position of fungi.

11. (a). Discuss the different modes of asexual reproduction in fungi.

         (b) Write four economic advantages and disadvantages due to fungi.

12. (a) Give the adaptation of fungi on land.

         (b) Explain terrestrial adaptation of bryophytes.

13. (a). What is generational change? Explain its importance.

         (b) How did the leaf evolve?

14. (a) List the steps involved in seed evolution.

         (b) Explain cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation in detail.

15. (a). Draw and explain the Kelvin cycle in photosynthesis.

         (b) What is glycolysis? Outline its various stages.

16. (a) Sketch and explain Krebs cycle.

         (b) Digestion in cockroaches.

         (c) Explain the process of digestion in hydra.

17. (a). Explain the process of digestion in human oral cavity.

         (b) Explain absorption of digested food in small intestine.

18. (a). Write a note on (i) Anorexia nervosa (ii) Bulimia nervosa (iii) Obesity

         (b) Why is transpiration a necessary evil?

19. (a) Explain the various functions of human blood.

         (b) Explain lymphatic system. Explain its functions and components.

         (c) Define immunity. Explain its types.

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1. First Year Estimate Papers 2024

2. First Year Notes Pdf

3. 2nd Year Paper Schemes 2024 pdf

4. First Year Paper Pattern 2024

5. First Year Date Sheet 2024 Punjab Board

6. First year Roll No. s

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